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Frame Offices | Lookbook

Places That Work



Frame Offices | Lookbook  - Page 2
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      Nothing makes commercial Real Estate more valuable than the buzzy dynamics of the people working in it Frame Of昀椀ces - F r ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - 5

      TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PROPOSITION ........................................... 8 MEETING ROOMS ................................... 56 OUR BIG IDEA ........................................ 10 OFFICES ................................................... 58 FOR THE PEOPLE ....................................12 A TRIBUTE TO YOUR WORKPLACE .....60 BRAND VALUES .......................................14 COMMON AREAS .................................... 62 OUR VISION .............................................16 PUBLIC SPACES ....................................... 64 FRAME LIFE .............................................18 CIRCULATION SPACES ........................... 68 DAILY WORK LIFE .................................. 20 WHY IT WORKS .......................................72 LOCATIONS ............................................. 24 COMMUNICATION ................................... 74 HOSPITALITY .......................................... 34 AWARD ...................................................... 76 FOOD GURUS .......................................... 36 COLOFON ................................................ 78 WORK LIFE INGREDIENTS ....................40 MATERIALITY .......................................... 42 FURNITURE ............................................ 44 - F r ork -FIXTURES ................................................ 47 ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w URBAN BISTRO’S ................................... 50 EVENT SPACES AND VENUES .............. 52 ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 6 7

      Frame Offices | Lookbook  - Page 4

      A workplace that works for you. For solo entrepreneurs with great ambition, for SME companies with international targets and for multinationals renting - several 昀氀oors and still wanting to remain 昀氀exible. F r ork ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r - F 8 9 P

      Frame Offices | Lookbook  - Page 5

      OUR BIG IDEA - F r ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w Our biggest aim in designing our locations is to unleash people’s full creative energy to enhance their working life and radically improve the busines processes. ork - 11

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          COMPANIES For companies with a future focus the opportunity of 昀氀exibly scaling and working will make them most valuable over the next decade. FLEX WORKERS Do not get stuck on your freelance loneliness and join the Frame Business lounges at all our locations. Likeminded people with the same ambitions and - F r ork - challenges boost your bliss for work ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w and support prospects for better networking. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 12 13

          Frame Offices | Lookbook  - Page 7

          BRAND VALUES WHAT IT IS WHAT IT ISN’T Flexible Static Personal Distant Luxurious Cheap Activation Passive Sustainable Unsustainable Innovative Traditional Comfortable Uncomfortable Secure Unsave Confident Insecure - F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 14 15

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          OUR VISION ork - We design places that invest in individuals so you feel valued and cared for. Inviting design makes innovations and inspiration a second nature to everyone. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w r - F 16 17

          - F r ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - 19 F

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          DAILY LIFE DAILY LIFE Your daily working kickstart at Frame O昀케ces is to be designed by yourself. Our food gurus provide you the best breakfast and wonderful co昀昀ees in the morning. The buzzy community dynamics boost your bliss for work and power up your working engine. During the day lovely lunches and healthy - F r ork - refreshments will keep you focused. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 F - 20 21

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              - F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 22 23

              FRAME OFFICES LOCA TIONS - With nationwide coverage, F r ork - locations at Central Stations ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w and a growing urban network, Frame O昀케ces o昀昀ers business hubs for project teams and meetings. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r - F 24 25

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              - F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r - F 26 27

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                  - F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r - F 28 29

                  Frame Offices | Lookbook  - Page 15

                  Meeting rooms, focus rooms, gyms and ‘Happy Zen’ spaces are essentials. To cheer the deal or to cool the workday, you’ll be happy to 昀椀nd bars and sunny (rooftop) terraces in the buildings. - F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r - F 30 31

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                      - F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r - F 32 33

                      Our hospitality team loves to take care of you and your visitors. Nothing makes a place more personal than a sunny smile, lively - interest, and anticipated support. F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w The Frame O昀케ces teams will create incredible service experiences and help you out with o昀케ce support if needed. Our dedicated teams will take care of all your needs down to the last detail. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 34 35

                      Frame Offices | Lookbook  - Page 18

                      Creative culinary gurus partner with Frame O昀케ces to delight you all-day with a line-up of sweet and savory breakfast foods, seasonal tasty lunches and extensive dinner options. Bon appétit. - F r ork - Our food gurus will daily cheer you up with the best co昀昀ees and ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w healthy refreshments. In the early and late evenings you and your guests can enjoy the 昀椀nest wines and drinks. Some of our Urban Bistro’s even have a hard-to-resist cocktail list. Everything to cheer the deal or to celebrate business outcomes. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 36 37

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                      Performance is driven by offering choices in workplaces. Work needs to work for you. Frame Of昀椀ces - F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r - F 38 39

                      WORK LIFE INGREDIENTS Inspiring design reinforces work culture and gives a strong leverage in attracting talent. Also having a variety of workspaces to choose from is directly connected to a great workplace experience. With the right ingredients you will have the beginning of a work environment where your sta昀昀 is happy to come to work. Therefor Frame O昀케ces o昀昀ers inclusion of green spaces to boost concentration and perceived fresh air, happy working life services to work your household chores and great design to gain bliss for work. In-house gyms, relaxing reload rooms, ionized air, green and smart parking, city gardens, - F r ork - 昀椀ve-star common areas and ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w best-in-class hospitality. Our locations di昀昀er in look & feel, but all will give you great joy to work. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 40 41

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                          Materiality, design, and performance layer together in inspiring workplaces. Informal, authentic and remarkable spaces are creating workplaces where people want to gather, collaborate, and perform at their best. The choices of materiality help them think better and support their ability to solve problems. Materiality matters. - F r MATERIALITY ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - 42 43 M

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                          FURNITURE - F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 44 45

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                          FURNITURE - F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w FIXTURES ork - r F - 46 47

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                          FIXTURES - F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 48 49

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                          URBAN BISTRO’S - Our recipe for your happy F r moments. With Urban Bistro’s ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w we serve you every moment of the day. All day breakfast, lovely lunches, seasonal dinners and celebrating cocktail parties. Catch your happy vibe. ork - 50 51

                          EVENT SPACES VENUES Drive your purpose and make your project a reality. Product launches, o昀昀site team meetings or boardroom presentations. Inspiring locations with multifunctional possibilities to impress your audience. Just like a Multiplex, several venues with a 昀氀exible range of solutions to suit all types of events. Screening - F rooms, conferences, training r ork - sessions or video conferencing ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w with colleagues and clients around the world. Everything for a truly memorable event with great food and 昀氀exible space to network and ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w hold receptions. ork - r F - 52 53

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                              Fuel your get-together session at Frame Of昀椀ces! We will take care of all your needs down to the last detail. Frame Of昀椀ces ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w r - F 54 55

                              MEETING ROOMS Fresh up your meeting outcomes. Minute or discrete board meetings, brainstorm sessions, job interviews, selection days or phenomenal events. We o昀昀er various meeting rooms each in its own size and appearance, and all with state-of-the-art equipment. - F r ork - Fuel your get-together session at Frame O昀케ces! Small intimate or ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w grand phenomal meeting rooms. Up to 100 meeting rooms across the Netherlands in the middle of the urban jungle, next to Central Stations or in the rural retreat. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 56 57

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                                  OFFICES We understand the requirements of today’s talent di昀昀er from tomorrow’s business strategies. Flexibly scaling and working will make companies most valuable over the next decade. For companies with a future focus Frame O昀케ces o昀昀ers turnkey workplace management and outsourced services. ork - A workplace that works for you. Whether you are a solo entrepreneur with great ambition or a SME company with international targets. Whether you are a multinational renting several 昀氀oors and still wanting to remain 昀氀exible. Frame O昀케ces takes care of all your Real Estate needs and provides you full-service, turnkey workplace management. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w r F - 58 59

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                                      Performance is driven by o昀昀ering choices. Experience the positive impact of design on building stronger business relationships, providing your employees ease of collaboration and choice where they work, fostering their sense of autonomy. A TRIBUTE TO YOUR ork - WORKPLACE ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w r - F 60 61

                                      COMMON AREAS Shared by many, our common areas feel like a center of a city. Double heights, catchy lighthouses, curious corridors and 昀椀ve- star lobbies. Lobbies and entrances are the 昀椀rst things we see as soon as - F r ork - we step foot inside an o昀케ce building. So, it is very important ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w that they create a lasting and welcoming impression, so your business guests know they are in the right place! Innovative, functional, and distinctly relevant structures, environments and objects characterize our stunning entrances. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 62 63

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                                          PUBLIC SPACES The common area holds the key to your workplace happiness. Don’t get used to short lunch breaks and eat away from the desk. We make the common o昀케ce pantries extremely cosy and inviting for mindful lunchtime rituals. People from di昀昀erent companies - F r ork - come together to enjoy casual social interactions. Good design can ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w encourage and enable such interactions in a safe, organic way. A variety of seating options are dotted around the common areas, so people can lounge comfortably as they enjoy their self-made lunches. It is a site of social gathering ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 64 65

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                                              Circulation and movement can be choreographed, to add architectural interest and to de昀椀ne a change in place. Frame Of昀椀ces - F r ork - ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r - F 66 67

                                              CIRCULATION SPACES As is often thought, circulation spaces require little attention –it is the space between spaces. However, beyond function, movement, and e昀케ciency those circulation spaces can be so much more. It can even be choreographed to de昀椀ne a change in place, make people slow down, or provide a focus point. A staircase - F r ork - can become an architectural feature and an item of furniture can ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w merge into space and interrupt the shortest way. The sequence of spaces, thresholds, and atmospheres encountered through movement keeps every m2 interesting, inspiring, and positive in ambience. Even for spaces between spaces! ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 68 69

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                                                  Frame O昀케ces di昀昀ers every location, so none of them are the same. Great and inspiring design reinforces working culture and gives greater leverage in - F r ork - attracting talent. Also having a ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w variety of workspaces to choose from is directly connected to a great workplace experience. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r F - 70 71

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                                                      ORKS W IT The growing appeal of 昀氀exible workspace to businesses of all sizes is inevitable. Places that work matter. It is also a blessing to transform static, dull and grey o昀케ce buildings into places that ork - do things for people. Places work when locations have a soul, an active community, and become a place of economic signi昀椀cance. WHY In short, places that work are the future. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w r F - 72 73

                                                      COMMUN Frame O昀케ces designs open activation programs to tailor the property to the local needs and culture of commercial tenants. Event activation strengthens the community, all visible in the app. Realtime dashboard with the Frame - F r ork -O昀케ces app. We take care of all aspects ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w your property needs, such as experienced tenant management, technical service, 昀椀nancial knowledge, economic terms, branding, and great hospitality. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w ork - r - F ICATION 74 75

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                                                          AAWARD - F r Wellbeing Award - Flexible Of昀椀ces ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w In the Pharos building the well-being of employees is an important topic. By thoughtful building design, we’ve created an energetic environment for employees to collaborate and work while contributing to their physical and mental health. ork - 7676 77 A

                                                          COLOPHON CONCEPT, REALISATION Michiel Lamens DESIGN Dieuwertje Bakker en Bob van der Plas COPY Eleonore Westenberg PRINT IVA group PHOTOGRAPHY Antim Photography Aron Weidenaar Fotogra昀椀e Marnix Postma Photography PUBLISHER Frame O昀케ces +31 010 261 7 261 contact@frameo昀케 ©2022 Frame O昀케ces In 2022 Frame O昀케ces has been named as an FD Gazelle. Every year the Financieel - F Dagblad presents the FD Gazellen Awards r ork - to the fastest growing companies in the DISCLAIMER All endeavors have been made to trace portrait ame Of昀椀ces - Places that w Netherlands. To qualify for this award, rights and copyright owners. Should, however, companies must achieve a revenue growth a portrait or image reference has been omitted: of at least 20% three-years in a row. please do not hesitate to contact Frame O昀케ces. Employee growth and pro昀椀tability are also Frame O昀케ces will correct such information in future editions. ame Of昀椀ces - Places that wconsidered. ork - r F - 78 79

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